Kim Ingleby’s Home Workout

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Kim Ingleby is a personal trainer and lifestyle coach. She offers all kinds of fitness workouts, advice and strategies through her website Energised Performance. Kim offers tips for people of all ages and fitness conditions and proposes workouts that can be modififor everyone. Here is a simple workout routine that Kim has designed.  Itcan  do right in the comfort of your own home!

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Warm up: 3 rounds of skipping, star jumps and step ups (1 min of each, increasing effort each time)

Followed by: 40 secs with 20 secs recovery x 2-4 sets

Moving wide to narrow squats – watch your technique and go as low as you can, add a jump and weights if you have the strength

Press Ups – leading from the chest, really engage the core muscles, complete as many as you can full, dropping to knees, and then box

Crunches into Sit up & Twist – slow and controlled, do one crunch, to two sit ups and rotate each side, if you can’t do a sit up, just add a twist to the crunch. Really focus on engaging the core muscles on the way down too and remember to breathe

Mountain Climbers – fast and hard as you can in the time frame, make it into squat thrusts for more of a challenge if you are feeling strong.  For a lower intensity, work on the range of movement and with all, remember to breathe.

Burpee with shoulder cross tap – jump into the burpee position on the floor, shoulder tap right hand to left shoulder, and vice versa, then pop back up and repeat. This can be done from the knees if you are tiring. And and the jump as you spring out of the burpee is optional

Super Man on hands and Knees – extend right arm and left leg out in front of you, pause and hold, then switch sides, keep repeating and you are looking to hold this to engage the little muscles that stabilize your spine, remember to breathe too.

Cool down and stretch, hydrate and refuel Tweet or tag me when you have given it a go! Super powers

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