Diet Tips with Sara

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Fitness enthusiast Sara takes a fun approach to health and fitness.  She promotes positivity and taking the mind over matter approach. However, she doesn’t fail to stress the fact that nutrition definitely matters! Sara says putting the right things into your body is key to starting off your journey to fitness. Here are Sara’s top diet and nutrition tips.

Maintain a nutritious diet. “You can’t out run a bad diet.” Maximizing nutrition makes all the difference in the world. It makes you feel good and gives aesthetic results as well.

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Diet Tips

If you are just starting out, you can implement both exercise and good nutrition into your life simultaneously. Go for it! If you need to take things a little slower, prioritize nutrition.  Nutrition seriously makes the biggest difference, both in how you look and how you feel.

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Don’t worry about calories. Focus on nutrients. You want to fuel your body for your workouts and for whatever your daily life holds. Don’t worry about eating less or hitting a certain calorie number just because you’ve read it will help you lose weight. It’s not about eating less food. It’s about eating more of the right kinds of foods.

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“I have to be both Gluten- and Dairy-free, and als

have a number of food intolerances, but I wouldn’t avoid any of them if I didn’t have to,” Sara says. Food intolerances aside, just do your best simply to stick to whole, nutritious foods. Yes, a treat here and there is fine — who wants life without something sweet?  “Treat yourself, but don’t trash yourself.”
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